The Math Teacher bot is designed to help kids practicing mental calculation.
سامانه ی خبری،علمی هوشمند مهندسی معدن ۱.اخبار روز دنیای مهندسی معدن ۲.اطلاعات علمی مهندسی معدن ۳.نشر آگهی های استخدامی مهندسی معدن و فرصت های شغلی مرتبط ۴.نشر اطلاعات مربوط به ...
Hi, I'm LearnWithBot! I'll send you one English word every day 🙌 Learn English and have fun!
This bot send English words every day with Farsi translation
Learn Arabic language, understand Qur'an. Native British & Arab teachers.
Buka salah satu kerang dan membaca frase membawa. Menikmatinya!
🇯🇵 Japanese dictionary. Search any Japanese or English word just sending it to me. I will give you the meaning and the way to write and pronounce it.
Receive Daily Qur'an, Hadith & Islamic updates, Educational Videos from Scholars.
This bot will teach you IT, and Network Administration course like Network+, MCITP, MCSE, CCNA, CCNP, TMG, SQL, Web Des
Improve your English with daily lessons from this bot. Welcome to @ILI_bot:trophy: I am so happy to see you joining our friendly community. Just press /start and sit back. I ...
ربات حرم امام حسین جهت درخواست زیارت نیابتی و دریافت مطالب جدید التسجيل في الزيارة بالإنابة الاشتراك في جديد الأخبار
سلام من یک روبات پرکاربرد هستم🌹 هر روز در مواقع مشخصی مطالب مفید ارسال می کنم🌷
Insights for founders and makers from founders and makers. Growthbot will send you short and actionable growth hack each day.
Spellchecks every message and corrects spelling mistakes. Add it to group chats to shame your friends. It recognizes 2 lanhuages: Russian and English.
Dieser Bot sagt euch voraus, welche Note ihr als nächstes bekommt. Achtung: man kann mehrmals auf test drücken, zählen tut aber nur die erste vom Bot angekündigte Note.
The @fixmebot helps you write better English and efficiently corrects texts. With @fixmebot you won’t need to waste time trying to find the correct way to write a sentence, or ...
English Dictionary. Save meanings to the Learning List and remember them with the Spaced Repetition technique.
Paul Erdos alter ego. Ask him about his life, network science and stuff.
A daily dose of new English words, grammar and phrases to speak fluently.
This bot is for English students of Fats TTC male branch. Help us to improve by your best ideas please 👆👆👆👆👆👆
This bot will help you learn English in a fun way. Play quizzes, chat at the Cafe, and make friends!
📚 DISCOVER SOMETHING NEW IN OUR LARGE COLLECTION NOVELS AND AUDIOBOOKS 📻 🙏Welcome Buddies, @Ebookz Channel Created a new bot @EbookzBot ... You will get all content of Our Channel ...
Контекстный переводчик с русского на английский и обратно. Поддерживается отдельный перевод английских слов, в том числе с помощью inline-функции.
Created via @bigbotfactorybot This bot will send you news about deep learning algotihms. Deep learning (deep machine learning, or deep structured learning, or hierarchical learning, or sometimes DL) is a ...
Test your knowledge about world capitals with this quiz. You can see stunning capital pics too.
مركز آموزش زبان آوا ارسال پستهاي آموزشي از سايت و صفحه ما در فيسبوك ديدن كنيد سپاس
Easy way to start talking in English. Practice English with a friendly robot Andy. Study language by actually using it in a conversation. Answer questions, learn new words, talk freely.
المعرفة لا ترهق العقل ابدا .. دافنشي اكبر بوت للكتب 📚.. ستجد هنا ضالتك من المعرفة والقراءة 📖 انضم الينا
سلام و عرض ادب خدمت شما کاربر گرامی... ربات " کشاورزی - گیاهپزشکی " به منظور گسترش اطلاعات در زمینه کشاورزی و گیاهپزشکی برای علاقه مندان به این رشته، راه ...
EF Education First, leader mondial des études à l'étranger; offre des séjours linguistiques pour tous les âges et tous les niveaux ainsi que des préparations universitaires à partir de 16 ...
Learn the secrets behind the best betting systems, how to win big with horse racing, wining poker strategies and winning big at casino table games.
Best online guides for dating and romance for both men and women.
Ask me everything about what to wear and I'll do my best to help you. Free for bros.
Hi, Welcome to The English guardians group... You Can Chat To Learn English.... Let's Chat More To Learn... Join Our group To be a instructor of English... Believe Me or ...
Smart english bot will teach you how to learn english yet to speak english too. It will make you more smarter than before
This bot will send you lab programs of SS lab and DBMS lab This bot is designed by @madhugowda123
Wanna learn English?😃 Let's learn together😉 Join us😊 Channel: @English_Only
Custom chatbot development for messenger platforms